Make your next real estate move

Worth Clark Realty is here to help you navigate your real estate journey and save money along the way.
(it's free)

How it works

Join for free

Signing up for Homebuyer Rewards takes 2 minutes.

Earn rewards

Accrue rewards by completing activities in the app.

Save at closing

Redeem your rewards to save money on your next home purchase.

Earn Homebuyer Rewards. Track your homebuying power. Start a house fund. Optimize your credit score. Learn about homeownership. Save big at closing.

How much can I save with
Homebuyer Rewards?

What clients say...

Top 50 largest independent real estate brokerage in the United States.
Ranked in the top 0.5% of brokerages nationwide for successful home purchase and sale volume.
7x-recognition as one of the fastest-growing private companies in North America.
Inc. 5000


What is Homebuyer Rewards?
What homeownership tools are included?
How do I earn rewards?
How do I redeem my rewards?